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Nathan Stratus

DALQueryResult Object ( [_results:DALQueryResult:private] => Array ( [0] => 1629 [id] => 1629 [1] => Paul and Nathan [title] => Paul and Nathan [2] => Nathan fails his math test, so Paul is enlisted to teach him a thing or two about numbers, counting each hard slap to the ass until Nathan's boy butt is almost blue. Trouble is with each spank, Nathan becomes more and more turned on and loses count. Dominant muscle stud Paul then forces Nathan to suck his cock just the way he likes it. Nathan takes more abuse to his burning boy cheeks in the form of swats with a belt on his already raw flesh. The burn must be excruciating, but the horny twink is a trooper. Paul is especially merciless with this particular little bubble butt. Paul breaks from the ass abuse momentarily to tongue the poor boy's hole, preparing it for an incredibly hard fuck, the kind only naughty boys deserve. In true SpankThis fashion, Nathan gets his red and burning butt slammed by the brut disciplinarian and is left with his butt burning red, and a face full of cum. [description] => Nathan fails his math test, so Paul is enlisted to teach him a thing or two about numbers, counting each hard slap to the ass until Nathan's boy butt is almost blue. Trouble is with each spank, Nathan becomes more and more turned on and loses count. Dominant muscle stud Paul then forces Nathan to suck his cock just the way he likes it. Nathan takes more abuse to his burning boy cheeks in the form of swats with a belt on his already raw flesh. The burn must be excruciating, but the horny twink is a trooper. Paul is especially merciless with this particular little bubble butt. Paul breaks from the ass abuse momentarily to tongue the poor boy's hole, preparing it for an incredibly hard fuck, the kind only naughty boys deserve. In true SpankThis fashion, Nathan gets his red and burning butt slammed by the brut disciplinarian and is left with his butt burning red, and a face full of cum. [3] => [meta_title] => [4] => Paul Pratt, Nathan Stratus, Hard Spankings, Twink, Spanking, College Guys, Anal Sex, American, Facials, Hunks - Studs, Muscular, Blonds, Cum Shots, Rimming [meta_keywords] => Paul Pratt, Nathan Stratus, Hard Spankings, Twink, Spanking, College Guys, Anal Sex, American, Facials, Hunks - Studs, Muscular, Blonds, Cum Shots, Rimming [5] => [meta_description] => [6] => 22 [duration] => 22 [7] => 2010-11-24 [release_date] => 2010-11-24 [8] => 4 [scene_index] => 4 [9] => st101 [movie_id] => st101 [10] => 1 [status] => 1 [11] => 2010-08-31 00:00:00 [date_filmed] => 2010-08-31 00:00:00 [12] => 06:00:00 [time_filmed] => 06:00:00 [13] => [film_location] => [14] => [script] => [15] => st101_scene4 [filename] => st101_scene4 [16] => 1 [type] => 1 [17] => 0 [format] => 0 [18] => 3 [site_id] => 3 [19] => [media_tape] => [20] => [media_disc] => [21] => 814 [rating_total] => 814 [22] => 175 [rating_votes] => 175 [23] => 0 [featured] => 0 [24] => 23942 [views] => 23942 [25] => 3 [views_today] => 3 [26] => 3 [views_week] => 3 [27] => 3 [views_month] => 3 [28] => 43687 [views_preview] => 43687 [29] => 0 [bareback] => 0 [30] => 1 [video_format] => 1 [31] => 0 [show_all_tours] => 0 [32] => 0 [hide_preview] => 0 [33] => 0 [hide_slider] => 0 [34] => 1 [hd] => 1 [35] => 0 [disable_downloads] => 0 [36] => 0 [slider_overlay] => 0 [37] => 0 [staff_pick] => 0 [38] => 0 [remastered] => 0 [39] => 1 [fhg_stills] => 1 [40] => 0 [freeshow] => 0 [41] => [author] => [42] => [notes] => [43] => [copyright_case_number] => [44] => 0000-00-00 [copyright_date] => 0000-00-00 [45] => 0 [disabled] => 0 [46] => 0 [live_stream_count] => 0 [47] => [live_stream_name] => [48] => 0 [int_event] => 0 [49] => 0 [commenting_enabled] => 0 [50] => [has_images] => [51] => [has_slider] => [52] => 0 [has_videos] => 0 [53] => 0 [video_rating] => 0 [54] => 0 [photoset_rating] => 0 [55] => 886 [video_stills_gallery_id] => 886 [56] => 6971 [marketing_gallery_id] => 6971 [57] => 1 [director_id] => 1 [58] => 3 [legacy_site_id] => 3 [59] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [stills_zip_updated] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [60] => 1 [views_preview_today] => 1 [61] => 1 [views_preview_week] => 1 [62] => 1 [views_preview_month] => 1 [63] => 150 [likes] => 150 [64] => 280 [favorites] => 280 [65] => [external_url] => [66] => 1 [needs_recommendations] => 1 [67] => 0 [preview_published] => 0 [68] => st101_scene4 [base_name] => st101_scene4 [69] => Spankthis [studio_name] => Spankthis ) )

Age: 18 yo// Height: 5'10// Weight: 140// Dick Size: 6// Position: Versatile

Hey guys, meet Nathan Stratus. He's in a very adventurous phase right now. I guess you would call him "boy crazy." He's really into other twinks but it really doesn't matter, as long as they have a cute smile, a tight body and a big cock doesn't hurt. Size doesn't matter all that much, to him, but its definitely a plus.

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Nathan Stratus Featured DVD

Hard Spankings | Dec 22, 2010

Paul Pratt, Leo Paige, Matthew Singer, Mike Rocks, Jonathan Cole, Nathan Stratus, Keegan Adams, Trystian Sweet, Ryan Conners

Our boys boys have an advanced spanking fetish showcased in this exclusive SpankThis release including six stellar rear punishing scenes If your into to young hotties paddled and swatted until they're burning red this film will not disappoint ...

Twink, Spanking, Big Dick, Fetish, College Guys, Toys, Anal Sex, American, Hunks - Studs, Muscular, Blonds, Brunette, Cum Shots, Latin, Blowjob, Rimming, Facials

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