Adam Armstrong

DALQueryResult Object
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[id] => 163
[1] => Adam's Punishment
[title] => Adam's Punishment
[2] => Adam is not making any effort to get back into society and is simply sleeping the days away. This gets him a hard spanking by hand, paddle and belt from Jeff Sterne until he is all teary eyed and promising to do better.
[description] => Adam is not making any effort to get back into society and is simply sleeping the days away. This gets him a hard spanking by hand, paddle and belt from Jeff Sterne until he is all teary eyed and promising to do better.
[3] =>
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[4] => Jeff Sterne, Adam Armstrong, Halfway House Hoodlums, Spanking
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[7] => 2004-11-04
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[69] => Spankthis
[studio_name] => Spankthis
Age: 19 yo// Height: 5'8"// Weight: 150// Dick Size: 6// Position: Versatile
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Spanking Scenes with Adam Armstrong
Adam Armstrong Featured DVD
Halfway House Hoodlums | Jan 01, 2005
Jeff Sterne, Adam Armstrong, Sebastian Cole, Jacob Daniels, Yancey, Fernando, TJ Wood
When young men are being rehabilitated they are sent to a half way house to be sure they have learned their lessons and are ready to be on their own. Here they must follow strict rules and are certain to face the consequenses when they do not obey.
Spanking, Masturbation / Jerk Off
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