Junior Santana

DALQueryResult Object
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[1] => Junior Santana
[title] => Junior Santana
[2] => Junior is spanked by Jeff Sterne over the knee and over the arm of the couch. He takes a very hard spanking. Junior takes his spanking by hand, hairbrush, various paddles and then ending with a belt. His spanking is hard and quite intense. After the
[description] => Junior is spanked by Jeff Sterne over the knee and over the arm of the couch. He takes a very hard spanking. Junior takes his spanking by hand, hairbrush, various paddles and then ending with a belt. His spanking is hard and quite intense. After the
[3] =>
[meta_title] =>
[4] => Jeff Sterne, Junior Santana, 3 Bad Boys, Spanking
[meta_keywords] => Jeff Sterne, Junior Santana, 3 Bad Boys, Spanking
[5] =>
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[duration] => 25
[7] => 2003-12-25
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[11] => 2004-04-05 00:00:00
[date_filmed] => 2004-04-05 00:00:00
[12] =>
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[13] =>
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[base_name] => st27_scene3
[69] => Spankthis
[studio_name] => Spankthis
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Spanking Scenes with Junior Santana
Junior Santana Featured DVD
3 Bad Boys | May 01, 2004
John Young, Brandon Morales, Jeff Sterne, Junior Santana
Rick Black and Jeff Sterne give 3 Bad Boys the spankings they need. OTK, bare, hand, paddles and belt are all used on these 3 young guys. They beg and plead but they get what they need. 2 of the boys jo after the spankings.
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