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Dominnic Code

DALQueryResult Object ( [_results:DALQueryResult:private] => Array ( [0] => 1911 [id] => 1911 [1] => TJ Wood and Jeff Sterne LIVE [title] => TJ Wood and Jeff Sterne LIVE [2] => Jeff Sterne and TJ Wood Bring you a special Halloween Spank Party Live Show. Watch as they give four cute boys a hard spanking they won't soon forget. One whole hour of red asses and boys who just can't seem to learn their lesson. It could be these hot submissive boys don't want to. [description] => Jeff Sterne and TJ Wood Bring you a special Halloween Spank Party Live Show. Watch as they give four cute boys a hard spanking they won't soon forget. One whole hour of red asses and boys who just can't seem to learn their lesson. It could be these hot submissive boys don't want to. [3] => [meta_title] => [4] => TJ Wood, Jeff Sterne, Alexi Morgan, Noah Brooks, Josh Bensan, Dominnic Code, Helix Live Shows, Twink, Spanking, Fetish, College Guys, American, Brunette, Live Shows [meta_keywords] => TJ Wood, Jeff Sterne, Alexi Morgan, Noah Brooks, Josh Bensan, Dominnic Code, Helix Live Shows, Twink, Spanking, Fetish, College Guys, American, Brunette, Live Shows [5] => [meta_description] => [6] => 59 [duration] => 59 [7] => 2012-01-03 [release_date] => 2012-01-03 [8] => 16 [scene_index] => 16 [9] => hxl [movie_id] => hxl [10] => 1 [status] => 1 [11] => 2011-10-29 20:00:00 [date_filmed] => 2011-10-29 20:00:00 [12] => 20:00:00 [time_filmed] => 20:00:00 [13] => [film_location] => [14] => [script] => [15] => hxl_scene16 [filename] => hxl_scene16 [16] => 6 [type] => 6 [17] => 0 [format] => 0 [18] => 3 [site_id] => 3 [19] => [media_tape] => [20] => [media_disc] => [21] => 208 [rating_total] => 208 [22] => 53 [rating_votes] => 53 [23] => 0 [featured] => 0 [24] => 10358 [views] => 10358 [25] => 3 [views_today] => 3 [26] => 3 [views_week] => 3 [27] => 3 [views_month] => 3 [28] => 18104 [views_preview] => 18104 [29] => 0 [bareback] => 0 [30] => 2 [video_format] => 2 [31] => 0 [show_all_tours] => 0 [32] => 0 [hide_preview] => 0 [33] => 0 [hide_slider] => 0 [34] => 0 [hd] => 0 [35] => 1 [disable_downloads] => 1 [36] => 0 [slider_overlay] => 0 [37] => 0 [staff_pick] => 0 [38] => 0 [remastered] => 0 [39] => 1 [fhg_stills] => 1 [40] => 0 [freeshow] => 0 [41] => [author] => [42] => Audio "Clips" 2 Times, I assume from some issue with the tape during recording. -James [notes] => Audio "Clips" 2 Times, I assume from some issue with the tape during recording. -James [43] => [copyright_case_number] => [44] => 0000-00-00 [copyright_date] => 0000-00-00 [45] => 0 [disabled] => 0 [46] => 3 [live_stream_count] => 3 [47] => liveshow [live_stream_name] => liveshow [48] => 0 [int_event] => 0 [49] => 0 [commenting_enabled] => 0 [50] => [has_images] => [51] => [has_slider] => [52] => 0 [has_videos] => 0 [53] => 0 [video_rating] => 0 [54] => 0 [photoset_rating] => 0 [55] => 608 [video_stills_gallery_id] => 608 [56] => 4485 [marketing_gallery_id] => 4485 [57] => 1 [director_id] => 1 [58] => 3 [legacy_site_id] => 3 [59] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [stills_zip_updated] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [60] => 1 [views_preview_today] => 1 [61] => 1 [views_preview_week] => 1 [62] => 1 [views_preview_month] => 1 [63] => 83 [likes] => 83 [64] => 77 [favorites] => 77 [65] => [external_url] => [66] => 1 [needs_recommendations] => 1 [67] => 0 [preview_published] => 0 [68] => hxl_scene16 [base_name] => hxl_scene16 [69] => Spankthis [studio_name] => Spankthis ) )

Age: 21 yo// Height: 5'10// Weight: 130// Dick Size: 7.5// Position: Versatile

Dominnic Code is a 21 year old and a self proclaimed shopaholic. He also loves going to the beach and walking along the shoreline with friends. Hope you guys enjoy his scenes!

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