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Trystian Sweet

DALQueryResult Object ( [_results:DALQueryResult:private] => Array ( [0] => 1646 [id] => 1646 [1] => Trystian Sweet spanks sexy boy Ryan Conners's tight twink ass [title] => Trystian Sweet spanks sexy boy Ryan Conners's tight twink ass [2] => Trystian is enlisted by the headmaster to punish Ryan for being naughty. He bends the bad boy over his lap and pulls off his jeans to reveal a "cheeky" pair of briefs that read "Today I'm your fireman." Trystian responds, "I'm going to spank this ass till its really on fire"...and he certainly does. This corporal punishment doesn't seem to be getting through to Ryan, so Trystain moves to plan B. First he makes him suck his cock while he rims his Ryan's tight ass. Ryan can't help but get a taste of Trystain's sweet hole as well. Then he orders Ryan to sit on his hard one. Ryan's cherry-red ass bouncing up and down on Trystains big wood is pleasurable viewing indeed. These boys impressively change positions without pulling out, not wanting to miss a second of fucking. Trystain continues to pound Ryan, with his legs up in the air, using them as handles until he can no longer hold his load. He pulls out to shoot his hot cum on Ryan's stomach, the intensity causing Ryan to blow his load on himself...his incredibly hot body glistening with jizz. [description] => Trystian is enlisted by the headmaster to punish Ryan for being naughty. He bends the bad boy over his lap and pulls off his jeans to reveal a "cheeky" pair of briefs that read "Today I'm your fireman." Trystian responds, "I'm going to spank this ass till its really on fire"...and he certainly does. This corporal punishment doesn't seem to be getting through to Ryan, so Trystain moves to plan B. First he makes him suck his cock while he rims his Ryan's tight ass. Ryan can't help but get a taste of Trystain's sweet hole as well. Then he orders Ryan to sit on his hard one. Ryan's cherry-red ass bouncing up and down on Trystains big wood is pleasurable viewing indeed. These boys impressively change positions without pulling out, not wanting to miss a second of fucking. Trystain continues to pound Ryan, with his legs up in the air, using them as handles until he can no longer hold his load. He pulls out to shoot his hot cum on Ryan's stomach, the intensity causing Ryan to blow his load on himself...his incredibly hot body glistening with jizz. [3] => Trystian Sweet spanks sexy boy Ryan Conners's tight twink ass [meta_title] => Trystian Sweet spanks sexy boy Ryan Conners's tight twink ass [4] => Trystian Sweet, Ryan Conners, Hard Spankings, Twink, Spanking, Big Dick, Fetish, College Guys, Anal Sex, American, Muscular, Blowjob, Brunette, Cum Shots, Rimming [meta_keywords] => Trystian Sweet, Ryan Conners, Hard Spankings, Twink, Spanking, Big Dick, Fetish, College Guys, Anal Sex, American, Muscular, Blowjob, Brunette, Cum Shots, Rimming [5] => [meta_description] => [6] => 18 [duration] => 18 [7] => 2010-12-08 [release_date] => 2010-12-08 [8] => 6 [scene_index] => 6 [9] => st101 [movie_id] => st101 [10] => 1 [status] => 1 [11] => 2010-09-26 00:00:00 [date_filmed] => 2010-09-26 00:00:00 [12] => 06:00:00 [time_filmed] => 06:00:00 [13] => [film_location] => [14] => [script] => [15] => st101_scene6 [filename] => st101_scene6 [16] => 1 [type] => 1 [17] => 0 [format] => 0 [18] => 3 [site_id] => 3 [19] => [media_tape] => [20] => [media_disc] => [21] => 611 [rating_total] => 611 [22] => 129 [rating_votes] => 129 [23] => 0 [featured] => 0 [24] => 13763 [views] => 13763 [25] => 1 [views_today] => 1 [26] => 1 [views_week] => 1 [27] => 1 [views_month] => 1 [28] => 36483 [views_preview] => 36483 [29] => 0 [bareback] => 0 [30] => 1 [video_format] => 1 [31] => 0 [show_all_tours] => 0 [32] => 0 [hide_preview] => 0 [33] => 0 [hide_slider] => 0 [34] => 1 [hd] => 1 [35] => 0 [disable_downloads] => 0 [36] => 0 [slider_overlay] => 0 [37] => 0 [staff_pick] => 0 [38] => 0 [remastered] => 0 [39] => 1 [fhg_stills] => 1 [40] => 0 [freeshow] => 0 [41] => [author] => [42] => [notes] => [43] => [copyright_case_number] => [44] => 0000-00-00 [copyright_date] => 0000-00-00 [45] => 0 [disabled] => 0 [46] => 0 [live_stream_count] => 0 [47] => [live_stream_name] => [48] => 0 [int_event] => 0 [49] => 0 [commenting_enabled] => 0 [50] => [has_images] => [51] => [has_slider] => [52] => 0 [has_videos] => 0 [53] => 0 [video_rating] => 0 [54] => 0 [photoset_rating] => 0 [55] => 869 [video_stills_gallery_id] => 869 [56] => 11415 [marketing_gallery_id] => 11415 [57] => 1 [director_id] => 1 [58] => 3 [legacy_site_id] => 3 [59] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [stills_zip_updated] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [60] => 2 [views_preview_today] => 2 [61] => 3 [views_preview_week] => 3 [62] => 3 [views_preview_month] => 3 [63] => 88 [likes] => 88 [64] => 112 [favorites] => 112 [65] => [external_url] => [66] => 1 [needs_recommendations] => 1 [67] => 0 [preview_published] => 0 [68] => st101_scene6 [base_name] => st101_scene6 [69] => Spankthis [studio_name] => Spankthis ) )

Age: 21 yo// Height: 5'9// Weight: 155// Position: Top

Hey everyone, I'm Trystian. I'm young, but that doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing in bed. I think I'm a natural when it comes to hot sex. Maybe I had a ton of it in a past life. I don't know, but I like to take charge, and guide my boy toys along the way. You could say I'm persuasive, and maybe a little aggressive, but I always deliver a hot time.

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