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DALQueryResult Object ( [_results:DALQueryResult:private] => Array ( [0] => 12 [id] => 12 [1] => Marcus Over The Knee and Bed [title] => Marcus Over The Knee and Bed [2] => Marcus is back for another spanking. This time he goes over the knee by hand, paddle and over the bed for the belt. [description] => Marcus is back for another spanking. This time he goes over the knee by hand, paddle and over the bed for the belt. [3] => [meta_title] => [4] => Marcus, Jeff Sterne, Lessons Learned, Spanking, Latin, Fetish, Amateur [meta_keywords] => Marcus, Jeff Sterne, Lessons Learned, Spanking, Latin, Fetish, Amateur [5] => [meta_description] => [6] => 15 [duration] => 15 [7] => 2002-04-04 [release_date] => 2002-04-04 [8] => 2 [scene_index] => 2 [9] => st04 [movie_id] => st04 [10] => 1 [status] => 1 [11] => 2002-12-09 00:00:00 [date_filmed] => 2002-12-09 00:00:00 [12] => 06:00:00 [time_filmed] => 06:00:00 [13] => [film_location] => [14] => [script] => [15] => st04_scene2 [filename] => st04_scene2 [16] => 1 [type] => 1 [17] => 0 [format] => 0 [18] => 3 [site_id] => 3 [19] => [media_tape] => [20] => [media_disc] => [21] => 595 [rating_total] => 595 [22] => 141 [rating_votes] => 141 [23] => 0 [featured] => 0 [24] => 2362 [views] => 2362 [25] => 1 [views_today] => 1 [26] => 1 [views_week] => 1 [27] => 1 [views_month] => 1 [28] => 15712 [views_preview] => 15712 [29] => 0 [bareback] => 0 [30] => 1 [video_format] => 1 [31] => 0 [show_all_tours] => 0 [32] => 0 [hide_preview] => 0 [33] => 0 [hide_slider] => 0 [34] => 0 [hd] => 0 [35] => 0 [disable_downloads] => 0 [36] => 0 [slider_overlay] => 0 [37] => 0 [staff_pick] => 0 [38] => 0 [remastered] => 0 [39] => 0 [fhg_stills] => 0 [40] => 0 [freeshow] => 0 [41] => kyleross [author] => kyleross [42] => [notes] => [43] => [copyright_case_number] => [44] => 0000-00-00 [copyright_date] => 0000-00-00 [45] => 0 [disabled] => 0 [46] => 0 [live_stream_count] => 0 [47] => [live_stream_name] => [48] => 0 [int_event] => 0 [49] => 1 [commenting_enabled] => 1 [50] => [has_images] => [51] => [has_slider] => [52] => 0 [has_videos] => 0 [53] => 0 [video_rating] => 0 [54] => 0 [photoset_rating] => 0 [55] => 2242 [video_stills_gallery_id] => 2242 [56] => 13725 [marketing_gallery_id] => 13725 [57] => 0 [director_id] => 0 [58] => 3 [legacy_site_id] => 3 [59] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [stills_zip_updated] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [60] => 1 [views_preview_today] => 1 [61] => 1 [views_preview_week] => 1 [62] => 1 [views_preview_month] => 1 [63] => 214 [likes] => 214 [64] => 248 [favorites] => 248 [65] => [external_url] => [66] => 0 [needs_recommendations] => 0 [67] => 0 [preview_published] => 0 [68] => st04_scene2 [base_name] => st04_scene2 [69] => Spankthis [studio_name] => Spankthis ) )

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