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DALQueryResult Object ( [_results:DALQueryResult:private] => Array ( [0] => 132 [id] => 132 [1] => TJ and Tony [title] => TJ and Tony [2] => Tony is up on the ladder doing some touch ups when TJ stops by to check on his progress. Being really careless Tony gets paint all over TJ's shirt and gets spanked right there on the ladder for it. [description] => Tony is up on the ladder doing some touch ups when TJ stops by to check on his progress. Being really careless Tony gets paint all over TJ's shirt and gets spanked right there on the ladder for it. [3] => [meta_title] => [4] => TJ Wood, Tony Micheals, Painted Asses, Spanking [meta_keywords] => TJ Wood, Tony Micheals, Painted Asses, Spanking [5] => [meta_description] => [6] => 16 [duration] => 16 [7] => 2004-04-15 [release_date] => 2004-04-15 [8] => 2 [scene_index] => 2 [9] => ST32 [movie_id] => ST32 [10] => 1 [status] => 1 [11] => 2004-07-03 00:00:00 [date_filmed] => 2004-07-03 00:00:00 [12] => [time_filmed] => [13] => [film_location] => [14] => [script] => [15] => [filename] => st32_scene2 [16] => 1 [type] => 1 [17] => 0 [format] => 0 [18] => 3 [site_id] => 3 [19] => [media_tape] => [20] => [media_disc] => [21] => 74 [rating_total] => 74 [22] => 20 [rating_votes] => 20 [23] => 0 [featured] => 0 [24] => 3378 [views] => 3378 [25] => 1 [views_today] => 1 [26] => 1 [views_week] => 1 [27] => 1 [views_month] => 1 [28] => 13412 [views_preview] => 13412 [29] => 0 [bareback] => 0 [30] => 1 [video_format] => 1 [31] => 0 [show_all_tours] => 0 [32] => 0 [hide_preview] => 0 [33] => 0 [hide_slider] => 0 [34] => 0 [hd] => 0 [35] => 0 [disable_downloads] => 0 [36] => 0 [slider_overlay] => 0 [37] => 0 [staff_pick] => 0 [38] => 0 [remastered] => 0 [39] => 0 [fhg_stills] => 0 [40] => 0 [freeshow] => 0 [41] => [author] => [42] => [notes] => [43] => [copyright_case_number] => [44] => [copyright_date] => [45] => 0 [disabled] => 0 [46] => 0 [live_stream_count] => 0 [47] => [live_stream_name] => [48] => 0 [int_event] => 0 [49] => 1 [commenting_enabled] => 1 [50] => [has_images] => [51] => [has_slider] => [52] => 0 [has_videos] => 0 [53] => 0 [video_rating] => 0 [54] => 0 [photoset_rating] => 0 [55] => 2139 [video_stills_gallery_id] => 2139 [56] => 13917 [marketing_gallery_id] => 13917 [57] => 0 [director_id] => 0 [58] => 3 [legacy_site_id] => 3 [59] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [stills_zip_updated] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [60] => 1 [views_preview_today] => 1 [61] => 1 [views_preview_week] => 1 [62] => 1 [views_preview_month] => 1 [63] => 17 [likes] => 17 [64] => 21 [favorites] => 21 [65] => [external_url] => [66] => 0 [needs_recommendations] => 0 [67] => 0 [preview_published] => 0 [68] => st32_scene2 [base_name] => st32_scene2 [69] => Spankthis [studio_name] => Spankthis ) )

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Painted Asses | Jul 15, 2004

Juice, Jeff Sterne, TJ Wood, Tito, Beck Anderson

A young group of painters are hired to help convert an office. Their skills at painting are far less than advertised and in short order they are being spanked for being such slackers.

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